Eliminate Stress


Sauna Therapy: Sweat Your Way To Better Health

Sauna therapy is a great form of detoxification. Detoxification refers to removing toxins from their binding sites in the tissues. From there, they go into the lymph and blood, which ultimately transports them into the liver and the kidneys. If the...

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NuCalm: Neuroscience Breakthrough

NuCalm® is a safe, proven neuroscience technology that quickly relaxes you without using narcotics or controlled substances. NuCalm naturally brings your body to the pre-sleep states characterized by deep relaxation and idleness. NuCalm leverages biochemistry, neurophysiology, and physics to suspend the...

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Stress And The Healing Power of Nature

Perhaps the biggest obstacle in people’s health is being in a state of emotional distress. According to researchers like Bruce Lipton, chronic stress is a primary cause of as much as 95 percent of all disease today. This fact is...

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